Tentative Program

Time Events
February 21, 2025 Friday
10:00am to 17:00pm Pre-test
February 22, 2025 Saturday
9:00am to 9:05am Opening Speech by Conference Chair
9:05am to 9:10am Welcome Speech by Conference  Co-chair
9:10am to 9:50am Keynote Speech
9:50am to 10:30am Keynote Speech
10:30am to 10:50am Group photo taking & Welcome Coffee Break
10:50am to 11:30am Keynote Speech
11:30am to 12:10pm Keynote Speech
12:00pm to 13:30pm Lunch Break
14:30pm to 16:30pm Poster Session;  Q&A
13:30pm to 15:30pm Concurrent Session I
13:30pm to 15:30pm Concurrent Session II
15:30pm to 15:50pm Coffee Break
15:30pm to 17:30pm Concurrent Session III
15:30pm to 17:30pm Concurrent Session IV
18:30pm to 20:00pm Closing Dinner
February 23, 2025 Sunday
9:00am to 17:00pm Tour or Academic Visit