June 19-21, 2020 | Virtual Conference

3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtuality
(ICCGV 2020) was successfully held during June 19-21, 2020 as a virtual
All ICCGV2020 papers were indexed by
EI, and
Scopus successfully.
Best Presentation Award Winners:
Session 1: Optical Imaging and Video Processing
Kazuki Hozumi
University of Aizu, Japan
Low-latency Block-wise Object Detection Method
using SSD for High Resolution Video
Session 2: Information Science and Computer Vision
Liu Yuhan
Beijing Institute of Technology, China
Venous Tree Separation based on Local Feature
Session 3: Digital Image Analysis and Processing
Lilian Huang
Harbin Engineering University, China
Construction of Block Circulant Measurement Matrix Based on Hybrid Chaos - Bernoulli Sequences
Session 4: Medical Signal Acquisition and Analysis
Kikuo Asai
The Open University of Japan, Japan
Comparing MAV, Frequency Spectrum, and Wavelet Spectrum of sEMG Signal as Feature for Simple CNN in Finger Motion Estimation
Session 5: Signal Detection and Signal Estimation
Zhang Dailei
Anhui University, China
Adaptive Window Width Selection Algorithm for Gabor Transform Based on Improved Shannon Entropy
Session 6: Digital signal analysis and processing
Xizhong Shen
Shanghai Institute of Technology, China
Speech Enhancement Based on Adaptive Harmonic Model Using Maximum Likelihood Method
Session 7: Communication and Information System
Mengjun Hu
Harbin Engineering University, China
FPGA Implementation for a Chaotic Digital Receiver Using Duffing oscillators array
Session 8: Advanced Information Theory and Technology
Qing Liao
Tsinghua University, China
A New Implementation of 16-bit Parallel Prefix Adder for High Speed and Low Area