February 17-19, 2023 | Chengdu, China
6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtuality (ICCGV 2023) was held in Tibet Hotel, Chengdu, China during February 17-19, 2023, which adopted a hybrid format of online and offline modes for the very first time since the end of the global coronavirus pandemic, providing participants with increased flexibility and accessibility.
Plenary Session

Parallel Sessions

Best Presentation Award Winners:
Session 1:
Lina Peng, from Southwest University
With the paper ID CD022 Titled:
Robust Diffusion Recursive Minimum Cauchy Algorithm with Low Computational
Chang Du, from Beijing Institute of
Technology, China
With the paper ID CD030 Titled:
An Efficient Batch Bayesian WIV Doppler and Bearing Estimator for 3D Target
Session 2:
Xijie Li, from Beijing Institute of Graphic
Communication, China
With the paper ID CD201 Titled:
Design and Implementation of Interactive System for Cultural Industry Park Based
on Digital Twin
Session 3:
Wenjing Luo from Southwest Jiaotong
University, China
With the paper ID CD007 Titled:
DOA Estimation Based on Maximum Mixture Correntropy Algorithm for Impulsive and
Input Noise